donderdag, december 13, 2007

Combining Flexbuilder and Flash CS3: Video tutorial

We all know Flexbuilder is a much beter tool for coding Actionscript than Flash CS3, and if you don't know, give a try right now with this video tutorial I made.

With most of the stuff today being about Flex one should not forget that Flash developers are still out there.
For real... I pitty the fool who would try to do something like this alphaomegathegame in Flex. Don't get me wrong. It can be done (maybe Red Interactive did it) but it's not the road I would walk (for now that is). But you can combine Flexbuilder and Flash CS3 in your daily workflow.

This tutorial covers the basics in setting up the development environment. There is more to it and we'll get back on that in the future, but this should get you on track.

Click here to see the tutorials.





crossposted at labs.boulevart

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