After 10 years it finally happend, I got myself a Mac.
I have always been very happy with my pc and spreaded the message that Mac's were used by girls or the more girlie type kinda guys...
Well now I have one myself. So yeah I am in touch with my feminin side!
I have to say that I enjoy working on this machine more and more. The keyboard lights up in the dark! How funky is that? That is actually the main reason why I got it really.
So one of the first things I had to do was setting up my development environment. That includes playing around with AS3 yeah!
So here's a litle 'howto' on compiling AS3 on the Mac. Flexbuilder is a much more complete solution (codehinting, debugging, ...) but is not free and Flashdevelop which is great does not support Mac.
My good friend Steven passed me through 5 sticks. This means I have to reveal 5 things about myself most people don't know about me.
I know it's been a while since he asked me. Steven my deepest apologies for being so late but here they are.
* From the age of 10 till about 17 I played handball. I played with a club called Ajax in first division (at that time). I even got a national selection when I was 16. It seems they are in big trouble at the moment if you read the news at their website (dutch).
Thanks to self proclaimed flash evangelist Nicolas who pushed me into the flash 3D engines I started playing around with Sandy (see previous post) and Papervision3D.
Papervision is an engine written for AS2 as well as AS3. It is still in private beta but the results are stunning. I have been goofing around with the AS3 engine and it's really performing well.
This demo features around 300 objects on stage with 2 sided bitmap material and a moving camera. I have never seen 3D performing like this in Flash.
Sandy is performing slower and you need the pixlib framework too. I know it is not really fair comparing an AS2 to AS3 application when it comes to performance. But the AS2 version of Papervision seems to be performing better than Sandy as well. Feel free to comment :-)
Sandy however supports much more primitives and methods than Papervision3d. Papervision only has mesh, plane and point while Sandy implements box, hedra, plane, sphere, cylinder, line, etc..
Anyway all the guys and girls (it seems there are too few girls doing stuff like this) who are putting things like this online deserve a big cheerio!